Open source online Photobooth software

Open Source online Photobooth
You have 2 ways of using Pousse-Booth:

If you are lazy and have an internet connection, do the following:
- make sure to always allow the webcam from this site to avoid subsequent popups
- set up your browser to print in silent mode
- go to this page
Recommended if you want an instant solution for your photobooth

Limits :
- you need an internet connection and pictures are saved on our server (always hidden and deleted on request)
- not customizable, you'll be using the settings and artwork we use in the rickshaw

If you are a nerd and do not want to use the online mode, follow the instructions below:
- download the source and read the explanations below.

- computer with webcam
- a php server : easyphp/mamp
- Adobe Flash (only if you plan to change the animation)
- printer

How it works:
The pictures are taken in the Flash project and saved on the server through a php script. For each set of 4 pictures a folder is created to keep you organized. In the php source you can customize a logo and include a link/date in the print. It also forces the output to be sent directly to the printer. If you want to avoid any manual intervention, use Firefox and set it to print in silent mode (disables the print dialogs)

IMPORTANT NOTE: I started from the amazing work by Vamapaull. He has very clean code and good explanation, if you are into Flash, you should visit his site. Given the amount of changes I made, I think it is still helpful to post my own sources.

1 - you obviously need to run a webserver and php engine on your computer. You can download it here. For Mac you could use Mamp.
2 - unzip the files under easyphp/www/
3 - Go to the mySQL admin module (usually :, run the script you find in the file createTable.sql
4 - make sure to adapt the connection parameters in (which should be saved above, in the connection folder)
5 - navigate to[yourBaseDirectory]/photobooth/index2.php


- open take_picture.fla with your Flash Editor. It's all pretty self-explanatory. To change the delay between pictures, it's in the delay variable in the timer layer. The animation object is on layer 6, between frame 3 and frame 171. You can shorten the animation to make it run faster, but do not remove the code from the last frame: it is checking if all the images were saved successfully before redirecting to the next page. - reexport the Flash project as take_picture.swf

- makeFolder.php creates the folders and the database entries
- makePicture.php assembles the 4 pictures into one. Here you can add a logo, a date and a download link to the prints (if you are working in a web environment, not localhost)
- logo-plain.jpg is your artwork. If you want to move/resize it, uncomment the (last) imagecopyresized() line in makePicture.php and change its parameters (see php doc)

Printing in silent mode

- open Firefox and type about:config in the adress bar
- find print.always_print_silent and set it to 'true'. This disables the dialog boxes. From now on when you click on 'print' it will automatically send the content to the printer (you'd better keep that in mind if you want to save ink and paper)
- in case your are using 10x15 photopaper and want to avoid margins: find the lines strating with print.printer_[yourPrinter].print_margin and set everything to 0. I am also using paper_height=11, paper_width=8.5, shrink_to_fit=true.
That's it, you have a customizable, full-automatic photobooth in your browser!

For more specific questions, contact us (root at for more info.

TRY (webcam required)


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